Indonesia ITF Online Course.

Kejadian Coronavirus atau Covid-19 yang sedang berlangsung saat ini memang sangat disayangkan. Kami berharap agar pandemik ini segera berlalu. Kami mendoakan agar setiap kita tetap selamat dan tetap sehat. Kita jangan menyerah dalam keadaan ini. ITF Indonesia menyediakan online course sebagai wadah bagi sisa-siswi kita untuk tetap dapat berolahraga dan tetap bugar. Sampai nanti kita bertemu di dojang ketika pandemik berlalu.

It's a very unfortunate event of Covid-19 a.k.a Coronavirus. We hope this pandemic will end soon, and we pray that everyone is safe. In this distress situation we cannot give up, but we have to keep doin our best. Indonesia ITF provides online course as a way for our student to keep training and keep the body healthy. We hope to see you all physically in dojang soon after the pandemic ends. | Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation Copyright 2020.
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